Teenagers are the most affected by video games as most video companies produce games that mostly attract the teenager group. Too much gaming causes addiction similar to that of other illicit addictions. Excessive gaming can lead to severe mental disorders.
What are the ways?
Know when they’re playing and then limit the time
You need to monitor how much time your kids spend playing games. Afterward, you can set a strict time of when they’re allowed to play.
Additionally, you need not allow the gadgets inside of their bedroom. Instead, keep it in a place where you can keep track of the time a teenager spends playing and also what type of games they’re playing. You can reinforce a program that disables the game when the time you have set for your child lapses.
Set Strict Repercussion
There should be consequences if your child exceeds the agreed-upon time for gaming. If you do not keep consistent consequences, teenagers tend to disregard your instructions. The consequences should be within the game boundaries. They should range from uninstalling the game from the computer or banning it completely from being played at home.
Make Them Aware Of The Disadvantages Of Playing Video Games
Teenagers should be engaged in the disadvantages of playing video games without control. They should be taught the addiction and mental disorder consequences. The already addicted teenagers can be rehabilitated back to normal by enrolling them into other activities that provide off-screen mental stimulation. Activities such as scatting, learning musical instruments, or dancing can help.
Conclusion: Extra Tips
Parents ought to be aware of the medical complications that are brought on by game addiction. Unlike other disorders, gaming disorder has no particular treatment. Although addiction affects a small percentage of teenagers who over-rely on video games, addiction poses a very serious problem in the long run. Boundaries should be set at the very beginning.